Monday 15 July 2013


Dear reader,

I'm going to make this post as short as possible as I am not in the emotional state to talk for long. Yesterday, a very talented, down-to-earth, amazing guy passed. His name is Cory Monteith. He was only 31 and was about to get married to Lea Michele, a person as beautiful as Cory. I may not have known them personally or even met them but I feel connected to them through the Glee fandom. Glee taught me many things, one being underdogs can win. I will never ever forget you Cory, you truly made the world a better place. My heart is with Lea, Cory's family and friends and the entire Glee fandom. Stay strong. We will pull through this. Cory, I hope you are in a better place now and looking down at the world and watching over all of us. RIP Cory Monteith. 1982 - 2013.


Love always,

Thursday 4 July 2013


Dear reader,

If you read my last post, you'll know that I promised to get back on the horse with the whole writing thing. If you're a loyal reader (Thank you, by the way.) that checks my page everyday for a new post then you'll know that I lied. I actually think that my level of procrastination increased after my last post. Anyway, I think I should start writing before I lose my train of thought. So let's get down to business, shall we?

As you can see from my post title, I will be talking about OCDs. I will not be talking about OCD in general, I will be talking about my "OCDs". I have put quotation marks around the word because I have not actually been medically diagnosed with it. To be honest, I think I'm just persnickety but my family and friends think otherwise.

I have a few problems. One being crinkled pages. Be it in/on my notebooks, textbooks, novels, worksheets. Anything that can support a crinkle, really. Is that a OCD problem or am I just a little bit of a perfectionist?

I didn't realize it was a problem until this one day when I was looking through some pictures on 'We Heart It' and found this.

Normal people would read the message, I on the other hand fixated on the crinkle on the page. Needless to say, my friends thought I was absolutely bonkers. Life at school is now tougher than usual because some of my friends make it their life mission to crinkle my books. What great friends. (Sarcasm noted here.)

It's not only crinkles, there are these desks at school. It's like a mustardy, yellowish-brownish colour and I refuse to use them, it's sort of very distracting for me. My friends know that and they use it against me. Like this one friend thought it would be funny to take my blue desk and leave me with the mustardy one. But in her defense, she was trying to help me 'work through it'. I didn't work through it, I swapped desks with someone instead.

Like I said, my friends or people who know I have these 'OCD' problems use it against me. I'm trying to work through it though. I'll be sure to keep you posted even though I doubt you care. Thanks for reading all the way through. I hope the picture enticed the post.

Love always,