Dear reader,
Hello there, sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I have been sort of caught up with stuff. School, friends, etcetera. But to be completely honest, I’ve just been procrastinating. In fact, I haven’t written in two months. That is eight weeks. Sixty-one days. One thousand four hundred and sixty-four hours. Eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty minutes. Five million- Let me stop right there, I think we’d all prefer it if I didn’t continue with my Maths lesson.
Before I begin catching you up on stuff, I have to say this. You’re looking particularly good today. Is that a new top? Did you do something to your hair? You got new glasses, didn’t you? Whatever you did, you look fantastic. (Thank you JacksGap for the idea.)
A lot has happened since I last posted. So I thought I might just catch you up to speed.
My uncle came to visit and brought over my new iPod touch which turned out to be broken. Yeah, I was a little (understatement of the year) disappointed. I even had a little cry (if you consider sobbing a little cry) about it. Being on a remote island has driven me a little insane. Hence sobbing about an iPod.
A friend of mine got into accident, it was quite a scare. She dislocated her shoulder and tore some tendons in her foot. She’s recovered from her accident but has now caught a cold which I hope I will not get from her. As much as I enjoy being sick, these next few weeks are sort of crucial for me. I cannot afford to miss classes or be off my game in any of them. Especially my music classes.
Which brings me to the subject of bands. Our music class was recently split into two bands. It was split up pretty evenly by my teacher based on our talents. There are equal amounts of singers, guitarists, drummers and pianists in each group. Getting put into the groups was the easy part, the part where we all fell down was choosing a song. In year (grade, if you prefer) seven, we did something called ‘The Battle Of The Bands’ and I can assure you that it was brutal. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my group, it was one of the best experiences of my life. But if you asked me if I would do it again, I would say, without hesitation, no way in hell. If you have ever been in a band, you will agree that being in a band, is one of THE most complicated things in the world. Anyway, after a week, my band, group one, finally got a song. ‘I Kissed A Girl’ by Katy Perry. (If you’re wondering who chose it, it was the boys.)
On to my next subject, YouTubers. I have found my new obsession. I found a YouTube channel a while back called JacksGap. The guy who made the channel is Jack Harries and he is hilarious (not to mention British and drop dead gorgeous). Jack basically does what I do, except on video. I think it’s called ‘Vlogging’? Video blogging. I’ve thought about trying it but then I think, “Mm…Better not.”. Well, that’s a lie. I have tried it, talking to a camera and all. It’s great and I had fun doing it but it was the results of the video that put me off it. Guess not a lot of people can look as good in cameras as Jack.
I found this fabulous new app for my iPad a couple of weeks ago. It’s called Kik. It’s like an instant message text thing. It’s really awesome. It allows me to talk to my friends and random peo- People from around the world online. It’s like having a pen pal and writing to them except you get your reply instantly. (That sounds better, don’t worry mom, it’s all good.) In fact, I’ve recently become friends with a guy from England. He’s pretty interesting to talk to.
Speaking of England, it has reminded me of Shakespeare. We’re doing Macbeth in class and it turns out that I don’t mind it. In fact, I find it quite fascinating. Which will make English in year (grade) eleven and twelve a lot easier.
Talking about Shakespeare has reminded me of my school play (Shakespeare wrote plays, duh). So, we’re performing ‘Charlie and The Chocolate Factory’. Being the theatre and musical bug I am, I went to audition for a role. I just wanted to be a part of it, so I went for a small role. Charlie’s mom. And lucky for me, I was the only one that went for it. Seeing as I’m the only one that went for it, it would be a no brainer to say that I got it. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I got a role though, a role smaller than Charlie’s mom. I’m a shopkeeper. I think I’m the one who sold the chocolate to Charlie. Awkward when that character is meant to be a man. Any who, at least I’m in.
Last but not least, driving. I got my learners license a few days ago. 33/33, yay! (Ish. I’m really not all that excited, in actual fact, I’m sorta nervous.) I haven’t gone for a drive yet. Dad’s been asking me when I want to go. I’ve still yet to decide. I’m not the best driver around, I’m actually quite paranoid. I just constantly think that something is going to happen, I don’t know, maybe that’s the mind of a writer. Constantly thinking and writing scenes in their heads. But I should be out on the road soon, I just need to get in the zone and just drive. Sooner or later I’m going to have to. So I might as well just get it over and done with.
So yeah, that’s my quick catch up. Thank you for your time. For my loyal reader (Hey mom! Thanks for reading!) or readers (Hi family! Thanks for reading!), I’ll try and post more instead of procrastinating and being lazy. I’m trying hard to get back into my writing and reading and all that stuff, I just need some time to get the juices flowing again. I should let you go now, glad you made it to the end. I hope I didn’t bore you too much.
Love always,