Sunday, 27 October 2013


Dear reader,

I would like you to give up 2 minutes and 44 seconds of your time and click on the link below.

I know it's been months since Cory Monteith's death but I feel like I need to do something for him as a final closure for myself. So I'd appreciate it if y'all watch it and spread the love. Thanks.

R.I.P Cory Monteith (1982-2013)

Love always,

Saturday, 24 August 2013


Dear reader,

I'm just writing to say that it's about two minutes till my sixteenth birthday and I cannot wait till sunrise. There is so much stuff to do for my joint birthday party with my older brother (who is two years and one day older than me).

Okay, so it's my birthday now (it took me two minutes to write the top bit) and my iPad just scared the crap out of me. I set my thing to scream happy birthday when it's 12am. Which it did, successfully. But it also successfully scared me. Anyway, I should go to bed now. There's much to do.

P.S I'll try and get a picture up from our birthday party. Oh, also. The timer's wrong on my blog so don't look at your screen and think "What a retard, it's wasnt even twelve when she posted."

Love always,

Sunday, 4 August 2013


Dear reader,

So...Yesterday was insane.

I was at a friend's birthday party, expecting nothing more than just a group of girls chilling and dancing. But oh was I wrong, so very very wrong.

We started the night ordinarily. Dancing and singing to Taylor Swift, One Direction and many other fabulous artists. We then had a little problem with the younger guests but we sorted it out. Then we started playing games, we started with 'Pass The Parcel' then after we played a game called 'Expressions'. Which is where the magic began.

We started off with the first expression, 'You see your boyfriend at the movies with another girl.', the second one was, 'You got One Direction tickets.', the third one is, 'Your cat brought in a dead rat.', the fourth one is, 'You lost your One Direction tickets.', the fifth one is, 'Your cat ate your goldfish.'. And then came the last one, I was a little scared because before we got the last one, we had a toilet break and two of my friends were saying that they were worried about the last one. Even though they said it was a good thing, my heart pounded with curiousity and worry.

So, we stood there waiting for my friend's mom to tell us to open the piece of paper. We were finally given the instruction and when we opened it, the paper was telling us that we were going to the One Direction concert in Brisbane. The screaming and crying started, I even cried which was weird because I wasn't that big a Directioner. It turns out that all our parents were in on it, it was the biggest and the bestest surprise I have ever gotten. Needless to say, this will be my last birthday present for a while.

My sweet sixteen is coming up, which I am extremely excited for. I'm doing this big joint birthday with my big brother who is two years and one day older than me. Twenty-one days. Now, hopefully my dress comes in time. Talk to you soon.

Love always,

Monday, 15 July 2013


Dear reader,

I'm going to make this post as short as possible as I am not in the emotional state to talk for long. Yesterday, a very talented, down-to-earth, amazing guy passed. His name is Cory Monteith. He was only 31 and was about to get married to Lea Michele, a person as beautiful as Cory. I may not have known them personally or even met them but I feel connected to them through the Glee fandom. Glee taught me many things, one being underdogs can win. I will never ever forget you Cory, you truly made the world a better place. My heart is with Lea, Cory's family and friends and the entire Glee fandom. Stay strong. We will pull through this. Cory, I hope you are in a better place now and looking down at the world and watching over all of us. RIP Cory Monteith. 1982 - 2013.


Love always,

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Dear reader,

If you read my last post, you'll know that I promised to get back on the horse with the whole writing thing. If you're a loyal reader (Thank you, by the way.) that checks my page everyday for a new post then you'll know that I lied. I actually think that my level of procrastination increased after my last post. Anyway, I think I should start writing before I lose my train of thought. So let's get down to business, shall we?

As you can see from my post title, I will be talking about OCDs. I will not be talking about OCD in general, I will be talking about my "OCDs". I have put quotation marks around the word because I have not actually been medically diagnosed with it. To be honest, I think I'm just persnickety but my family and friends think otherwise.

I have a few problems. One being crinkled pages. Be it in/on my notebooks, textbooks, novels, worksheets. Anything that can support a crinkle, really. Is that a OCD problem or am I just a little bit of a perfectionist?

I didn't realize it was a problem until this one day when I was looking through some pictures on 'We Heart It' and found this.

Normal people would read the message, I on the other hand fixated on the crinkle on the page. Needless to say, my friends thought I was absolutely bonkers. Life at school is now tougher than usual because some of my friends make it their life mission to crinkle my books. What great friends. (Sarcasm noted here.)

It's not only crinkles, there are these desks at school. It's like a mustardy, yellowish-brownish colour and I refuse to use them, it's sort of very distracting for me. My friends know that and they use it against me. Like this one friend thought it would be funny to take my blue desk and leave me with the mustardy one. But in her defense, she was trying to help me 'work through it'. I didn't work through it, I swapped desks with someone instead.

Like I said, my friends or people who know I have these 'OCD' problems use it against me. I'm trying to work through it though. I'll be sure to keep you posted even though I doubt you care. Thanks for reading all the way through. I hope the picture enticed the post.

Love always,

Thursday, 6 June 2013


Dear reader,

Hello there, sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I have been sort of caught up with stuff. School, friends, etcetera. But to be completely honest, I’ve just been procrastinating. In fact, I haven’t written in two months. That is eight weeks. Sixty-one days. One thousand four hundred and sixty-four hours. Eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty minutes. Five million- Let me stop right there, I think we’d all prefer it if I didn’t continue with my Maths lesson.

Before I begin catching you up on stuff, I have to say this. You’re looking particularly good today. Is that a new top? Did you do something to your hair? You got new glasses, didn’t you? Whatever you did, you look fantastic. (Thank you JacksGap for the idea.)

A lot has happened since I last posted. So I thought I might just catch you up to speed.

My uncle came to visit and brought over my new iPod touch which turned out to be broken. Yeah, I was a little (understatement of the year) disappointed. I even had a little cry (if you consider sobbing a little cry) about it. Being on a remote island has driven me a little insane. Hence sobbing about an iPod.

A friend of mine got into accident, it was quite a scare. She dislocated her shoulder and tore some tendons in her foot. She’s recovered from her accident but has now caught a cold which I hope I will not get from her. As much as I enjoy being sick, these next few weeks are sort of crucial for me. I cannot afford to miss classes or be off my game in any of them. Especially my music classes.

Which brings me to the subject of bands. Our music class was recently split into two bands. It was split up pretty evenly by my teacher based on our talents. There are equal amounts of singers, guitarists, drummers and pianists in each group. Getting put into the groups was the easy part, the part where we all fell down was choosing a song. In year (grade, if you prefer) seven, we did something called ‘The Battle Of The Bands’ and I can assure you that it was brutal. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my group, it was one of the best experiences of my life. But if you asked me if I would do it again, I would say, without hesitation, no way in hell. If you have ever been in a band, you will agree that being in a band, is one of THE most complicated things in the world. Anyway, after a week, my band, group one, finally got a song. ‘I Kissed A Girl’ by Katy Perry. (If you’re wondering who chose it, it was the boys.)

On to my next subject, YouTubers. I have found my new obsession. I found a YouTube channel a while back called JacksGap. The guy who made the channel is Jack Harries and he is hilarious (not to mention British and drop dead gorgeous). Jack basically does what I do, except on video. I think it’s called ‘Vlogging’? Video blogging. I’ve thought about trying it but then I think, “Mm…Better not.”. Well, that’s a lie. I have tried it, talking to a camera and all. It’s great and I had fun doing it but it was the results of the video that put me off it. Guess not a lot of people can look as good in cameras as Jack.

I found this fabulous new app for my iPad a couple of weeks ago. It’s called Kik. It’s like an instant message text thing. It’s really awesome. It allows me to talk to my friends and random peo- People from around the world online. It’s like having a pen pal and writing to them except you get your reply instantly. (That sounds better, don’t worry mom, it’s all good.) In fact, I’ve recently become friends with a guy from England. He’s pretty interesting to talk to.

Speaking of England, it has reminded me of Shakespeare. We’re doing Macbeth in class and it turns out that I don’t mind it. In fact, I find it quite fascinating. Which will make English in year (grade) eleven and twelve a lot easier.

Talking about Shakespeare has reminded me of my school play (Shakespeare wrote plays, duh). So, we’re performing ‘Charlie and The Chocolate Factory’. Being the theatre and musical bug I am, I went to audition for a role. I just wanted to be a part of it, so I went for a small role. Charlie’s mom. And lucky for me, I was the only one that went for it. Seeing as I’m the only one that went for it, it would be a no brainer to say that I got it. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I got a role though, a role smaller than Charlie’s mom. I’m a shopkeeper. I think I’m the one who sold the chocolate to Charlie. Awkward when that character is meant to be a man. Any who, at least I’m in.

Last but not least, driving. I got my learners license a few days ago. 33/33, yay! (Ish. I’m really not all that excited, in actual fact, I’m sorta nervous.) I haven’t gone for a drive yet. Dad’s been asking me when I want to go. I’ve still yet to decide. I’m not the best driver around, I’m actually quite paranoid. I just constantly think that something is going to happen, I don’t know, maybe that’s the mind of a writer. Constantly thinking and writing scenes in their heads. But I should be out on the road soon, I just need to get in the zone and just drive. Sooner or later I’m going to have to. So I might as well just get it over and done with.

So yeah, that’s my quick catch up. Thank you for your time. For my loyal reader (Hey mom! Thanks for reading!) or readers (Hi family! Thanks for reading!), I’ll try and post more instead of procrastinating and being lazy. I’m trying hard to get back into my writing and reading and all that stuff, I just need some time to get the juices flowing again. I should let you go now, glad you made it to the end. I hope I didn’t bore you too much.

Love always,

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Dear reader,

There was one in our house today and to say my mom and I were scared would be the understatement of the year. We were looking at scared in the rear view mirror. I screamed the entire time it was in our house, well- Not true. It was stuck in our fireplace behind the ash fence thing, I was fine then, it was when it escaped when I flipped out. Let me tell the story from the beginning. It all started when I was awoken from my nap. *Flashback harp music*

Mom woke me up to tell me that the bird was trying to escape (I guess she assumed that I would be helpful in getting rid of it. Boy was she wrong.). I, having just woke up, wasn't really interested in the bird so I just mumbled "Yeah, yeah." and headed for the toilet. When I came back, mom was still fixated on the bird so I took the giant touch and shone it at the fireplace, the bird fluttered around but stayed trapped. I then became fixated on it while mom continued watching 'How I Met Your Mother', I decided to use Sheldon Cooper's technique and made cat noises at it hoping it would fly back up the pipe and out of the fireplace. Needless to say, it didn't work.

Skipping ahead to the part when the bird escaped. It seems that birds can understand English, I was telling mom how I was in trouble if it was a crow because crows hold grudges and I was probably pissing it off by shining a torch in it's face. Mom agreed with me and I said that if it attacked me, I'll kill it (No, I won't. I'm not a killer and I'm scared of birds.). I guess that's when the bird freaked out and pushed itself out of the small gap and started flying around. Mom and I screamed and hid under our snuggies. Mom did the hard yards and got rid of it while I screamed and laughed watching her. It was quite hilarious, she had a stick and was poking at the curtains and trying to get it to fly towards the door. I was screaming the entire time and mom found me distracting. I thought I was being a helpful cheerleader, I was screaming helpful tips and for my brother to come help.

So the bird fly out, probably going home to tell his friends his crazy experience with the screaming humans. I went into the study room to where my brother was playing his computer game. I asked him why he didn't come to help us and his reply was simple, "I like hearing you scream." I found that absolutely hilarious and was still laughing about it at dinner. Yes, I'm easily amused.

Love always,

Friday, 3 May 2013


Dear reader,

Imagine you are shopping in your favorite store, you grab everything you've fallen in-love with without looking at the price tag and walk up to the cashier. You're smiling and feeling all high and mighty because you think everything you've decided on is in your budget (For that particular store, you have a budget for each store). Turns out, it was about $35 over your budget. What do you do? Would you put stuff back or just spend the extra $35?

I'll tell you what, I would just spend that extra $35. There is nothing more embarrassing than having to say "I don't have enough cash, can I put some things back?" It's awkward. I mean, just a second ago you were walking up with a "'I-feel-so-powerful' strut, laughing at the little kids that were begging their parents for things and smirking at the other teenage girls that had to put back that dress after looking at the price (Shopping does things to me, that and money. I think they make me evil).

I never used to be one of those girls who could shop for hours and spend hundreds of dollars in just one store. But as I grow older and as I start making my own money, I am now one of those girls. I must say, it is an awesome feeling. To swipe a debit card, to pull out a wad of cash, to know that you are paying for it, not your mom, not your dad, you. They can no longer tell you no because you earned that money, it is yours to spend.

I am extremely excited for my December holidays, because I will be in Singapore the entire Christmas. I will be there shopping during the big sales! I will finally fulfill my dream where I am walking down Orchard Road (Or any fancy street with fancy stores in Singapore) in a stunning outfit, wearing heels (Probably not), my shades on, nails perfect, carrying a ton of shopping bags and a Starbucks coffee. Yes, I have weird dreams. I think we've established that in 'Macaroons' but come on, we all have weird dreams.

Well, I'm going to let you go now. It was fun talking to you. I hope that you will continue reading my blog and that each time you do, you laugh. Even if you just chuckle. I am just glad I am continuously entertaining you. If I'm not, well- There's really not much I can do, now is there? You could leave me a comment and tell me how I can improve or give me a topic to talk about. (Doubt I'd listen cause I'm extremely stubborn but you can try.) I hope to hear from you, even if it's only one person.

Love always,


Thursday, 2 May 2013


Dear reader,

So I'm somewhat a clean freak.

Let's say I'm eating something and a piece of food falls off my fork and disappears, I have no idea if it landed on my clothes but I just assume the worst and change, just incase. (Just kidding, mom. (I'm not kidding.) Yes I am. (Ha, wink. *Wink*)) Example number two, if I had already had my shower, you can assume that I'll spend the rest of my time at home. If I had to go out, I'll either feel the need to shower again or wash my feet. I will not sleep in my bed unless I know I am 100% clean. Which brings me to my next point, if you're not clean, do not sit on my bed or lie in it. (Yes, I'm talking to you, brother. (Honestly, there's really no point pointing it out to him here as he is not a supportive brother who reads my blog.) Unless you are clean, stay off my bed.)

Sometimes I wonder if I have OCD. A problem of mine that I'm wondering about other than cleanliness is crinkled pages. I cannot have crinkled pages, be it on my notebooks, school books or novels. I simply cannot have crinkled pages. I cannot concentrate on anything else if I know my pages are crinkled. I will resort to either ripping out the page and rewriting my work or buying a new copy of that same novel. Right, um- I'm getting off track here. The topic's sanitizer, let's get back to that. (I'll talk about my 'OCD' another time.)

So yesterday while I was playing my iPad I felt a sneeze coming on, obviously I covered my nose and mouth so that I wouldn't sneeze on my iPad. Um...Yeah. Terrible idea. I got spit all over my hand, I had a mini panic attack and quickly wiped my hand with a tissue then ran to my room to grab my hand sanitizer. Why didn't I just wash my hands? Well, water doesn't kill as much germs as my hand sanitizer. My sanitizer kills 99.99% of the germs (At least that's what it says on the bottle). What about that 0.01%, you ask? (That was rhetorical, I know you didn't ask, I'm surprised you're still reading this.) Well, I washed my hands with water which killed that 0.01% then to be safe, I used my sanitizer again. So yeah, boom. I killed all those germs, you could call me a serial sanitizer.

Anyway, I'm going to let you go now. You must be seriously confused with yourself right now. You must be thinking, "Did I really just read and laugh at this maniac's post about hand sanitizers?" Yes, yes you did. You must have absolutely nothing to do. Well, unlike you, I have a date.

Bazinga! Well, not really. I do have a date. With my TV.

Oh god, you should've seen your face. It was hilarious. Like a crazy person who blogs about hand sanitizer will have a date. Anyways, I'm going now.

Love always,


Monday, 29 April 2013


Dear reader,

One of my many weaknesses is food. Not healthy food, unhealthy food.

I'm trying to cut down on my unhealthy food intake, it's like a new change of lifestyle thing I'm trying. It's a lot harder than I expected. I try to fight my urges but- Food talks to me.

Like today, it was meant to be a all protein day (It's basically a day where I just eat protein.). I was going good until two slices of cheesecake in the fridge decided they were suicidal and called out to me. So I went over and they told me they didn't want to live anymore. So being the nice person I am, I decided to help kill one of them. The bigger slice was being mean to me so I denied him, yelling "You're so mean, I'm going to have the medium slice!" So I took the medium slice and ate it. Maybe that's why I eat, to be nice to suicidal food. I later also ate the big slice, it apologized and I forgave it. May they rest in pieces.

I'm going to need to buckle down and stay obedient to my new lifestyle, stick with my protein and veggies diet. I'm as fashion hungry as I am food hungry and to look fabulous, I'm going to have to break up with unhealthy food. Okay, this is going to be hard but here goes.

Look, unhealthy food. It's not me, it's you. You make me fat. It's just that we're looking for different things right now. I'm trying to focus on my goal to look fabulous but with you around, it's just- It's hard. So I'm sorry but it's over. I'm in-love with protein and veggies now.

Sweeping declaration. From today onwards, I'm going to stay obedient to my diet until I leave for my holiday in December. I want to get off that plane, looking fabulous and surprising my entire family when I step out into that arrival hall. I just pray that unlike Marshall Erikson, I'll stick to my sweeping declaration.

Love always,

Monday, 22 April 2013


Dear reader,

No, I'm not talking about television. I'm talking about episodes of sub-psychotic rage. If you read my last post, 'Insects'. You'll know I'm not talking about the clinically diagnosed one. The phrase is just what I use to describe my rants and vents.

I don't snap easily (Mom says otherwise, she says and I quote "Just slightly better than Robin Sherbartsky." Yeah, well- Nobody asked for your help, mom! (For those who watch 'How I Met Your Mother' will understand me for those who don't, watch 'How I Met Your Mother'. I'm quoting from season 8.)) but when I do, it's not pretty.

I'm sure everyone snaps once in a while, it just takes that something or someone to push you over the edge. Okay, I may have lied before, I do snap easily. Mom's right, I'm just slightly better than Robin. It's just that sometimes I feel like people go out of their way to push me over the edge. But I'm working on it, just give me some time.

What pushes me over the edge? People push me other the edge, especially people who has the 'I'm-better-than-you' attitude, that or racist people. That's why I don't like working in a restaurant because there is a fraction of customers that are ridiculously annoying or rude or racist, oh and sometimes when I'm really lucky, I get all three.

Well, I'm going to leave you now before I start thinking about the past and have my crazy, angry side bubbling out.

Love always,


Dear reader,

To say I have a fear of insects is an understatement. I don't know what it is about bugs but they just creep me out. Cockroaches are the worst, I cannot stand them, dead or alive. I get nauseous when I see a cockroach and until it's dead and/or in a bin away from me, I shall not rest. I shall bug my mom or anyone else in the vicinity to get rid of it.

On Saturday, I had my worst nightmare come true. There was a huge cockroach (In my point of view, mom described it as "It was only this [Made a tiny measurement with her thumb and index finger] big".) really, really close to my toothbrush holder that was holding my toothbrush, the worst part was that I was home alone. Needless to say, I had my back slammed against the wall as I started hyperventilating. I continuously asked myself "What do I do?" as the cockroach stared into my soul. I said to clap at it so I clapped at it, hoping that the loud noise would send it away from my toothbrush and success, it crawled across the wall and into the shower. I sprinted out of the bathroom and ran around the house like a idiot looking for the insecticide and vented when I couldn't find it, I think I said something like "Dammit! Where are you insecticide?! Why is it when nobody needs you, you're there! Stupid can!" I don't remember what I said because I sometimes forget what I say during my episodes of sub-psychotic rage (Not the clinically diagnosed one. I just describe it as that, I'm totally fine but more on that later.) Anyway, I ended up drowning the stupid cockroach in insecticide and then I tried to pick it up with a piece of cardboard, after putting on a rubber glove but I couldn't do it. So I left my mom a trail of bright pink post-it notes to ask her to bin it and then bin that bin bag (I found out the next morning that she didn't notice them until my brother pointed them out to her.). What can I say? I don't want it coming back as a zombie cockroach.

So that's what I did on Saturday night. You probably think I'm crazy or overly dramatic and I'm telling you right now, I'm both and more. People who know me can vouch for that. Um, I guess that's all for now. I'll talk to you more about my episodes of sub-psychotic rage, me being a post-it junkie and my obsession for zombies another time.

Love always,

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Dear reader,

My brother's the president of the Norfolk Island Leos Club. It's a Lions Club for teenagers. After months of persuasion, I've decided to give it a go. My first job as a trial Leo was to be a human barricade at the Norfolk Island triathlon, I thought it would be a very easy job but it turns out that people don't understand the concept of a barricade.

We spent two hours in the hot sun trying to stop people from driving through wearing bright orange vests that weren't even a little bit cute. To say my friend and I had success would be an understatement, a small fraction of people were polite enough to listen, the rest just drove around the barricade and around us. It was like we weren't even there.

But I suppose I had fun, soaking in some vitamin D and dancing around on the road. The vest did make me feel important even though it wasn't cute. Some kid asked me if I was a cop and I told him yes. I don't think he believed me though, he had skepticism in his eyes.

Moving on, I'm home now, away from the barricades and the bright orange vests and watching 'The Smurfs' and I have to say that I love Neil Patrick Harris. In every single show. He's not just funny, he's hilarious. But more on my favorite actors and actresses some other time. I'm going to leave you now and go back to relaxing.

Love always,

Friday, 19 April 2013


Dear reader,

Being a extremely homey person, I've spent my school holidays on the inside. I've been writing, playing on my iPad (My new obsession: 'Disney's Fairies Fashion Boutique'. (By the way, I can see you looking at your computer screen with your ‘Aren't-you-a-little-too-old-for-that?' look, so stop it.) Yes, I'm still a kid at heart and in my defense, the game's kind of freaking awesome.), listening to the 'Pitch Perfect' soundtrack over and over again (And swooning over Skylar Astin's amazing voice), watching movies or re-runs of my favorite TV series and finally playing 'Kinect Sports' with my parents.

'Kinect Sports' is probably my favorite kind of exercise. It's easy but it's also a good workout. My muscles are sore from Kinect boxing with my dad, I totally smashed him in the first game but then he got the hang of it so needless to say, I lost the next two games.

The Kinect sport we’re obsessed with currently is bowling. Let’s just say my family goes a little crazy when it comes to Kinect bowling. We are all extremely competitive, me especially. I lost my lead when dad got 275, he beat me by 11 points and boy was I pissed. Not only is it going to be impossible to beat him but I now have to endure his cockiness. I suppose he did earn the bragging rights. But he shouldn’t get too comfortable in the throne because I’m going to knock him off as soon as my muscles loosen up. So have fun keeping my seat warm daddy.

Being good in fake sports doesn’t make me good in real sports. In fact, I think I hold the award for being absolutely terrible at sport. Soccer, football, tennis, badminton. You name it, I probably suck at it. But I don’t really mind, I don’t plan on being a professional sportswomen or an Olympian. I’m happy being good at other stuff. Stuff that I haven't yet discover but hopefully in time, I will. I'm really not worried. I'm only fifteen. I still have all the time in the world to discover myself and figure out what I'm good at and what I want to do in life. Here's a tip when doing exactly that: "Don't let others tell you what you can or cant do because if you want it badly enough, no one can stand in your way." Now that's a page out of my mama's book on life and we all know that mothers know best.

Love always,


Dear reader,

So I've had this obsession with macaroons ever since I started watching 'Gossip Girl' two years ago. I've never had one but I have seemed to have brainwashed myself with this idea that it's absolutely amazing. Now all I want is to eat one but being on a remote island, I cant get macaroons unless I make one myself and for those who know don't know me, I'm just too lazy to do all that work.

Macaroons make me think of Paris. I don't know why, maybe because Blair Waldorf and Serena Van Der Woodsen from 'Gossip Girl' reference them to Paris. Paris, the city of lights. It's one of the many places I have to visit before I die. One of my dreams is to go to Paris, get a box of macaroons from Ladurée or Pierre Hermé and eat them under the Eiffel tower in a beret. I know, my dreams are weird.

But until I have enough money to visit Paris and fulfill that dream of mine. I'm going to have to be satisfied with eating Ladurée when I go back home to Singapore for a holiday in December (232 days). It turns out that a Ladurée store just opened up. I also just did some research on the prices an damn, those biscuits are pricey. After all, Ladurée does live in a high end shopping mall and has Chanel as a neighbor. I'm just hoping that macaroons tastes as good in my mouth as it does in my mind.

Love always,


Dear reader,

The first episode in a television series is called a pilot. A pilot is a prototypical filmed or taped feature, produced with hopes of network adoption as a television series and aired to test potential viewer interest and attract sponsors.

Now I’m calling my first post a pilot because I think blogs and television are quite similar. After all, they are both there for entertainment purposes.

If one of your many hobbies is watching TV then welcome to the world of Denise. I’m a fan of nearly every TV show that comes up on my screen. ‘Criminal Minds’, ‘How I Met Your Mother’, ‘The Big Bang Theory’, ‘Glee’, The Walking Dead’, ‘Gossip Girl’, ‘The Vampire Diaries’, ‘Modern Family’, ‘2 Broke Girls’, ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, ‘Grimm’ and ‘Bones’. Just to name a few of my favorites. #TVNerd, am I right?

What is it about TV? How is it that one would rather watch a box with moving pictures than go outside and enjoy what life has to offer? Has our society evolved that much that technology is now all we see? I’m not judging because I know I’m part of the addicted few, I probably couldn’t go a day without going on my iPad or watching TV.

I guess if you step back and look at the bigger picture, television is a good thing. I cant speak for everyone when I say this but television inspires me. I am constantly learning from ‘Modern Family’, the show teaches me to be a better daughter and sister. ‘Glee’ shows me that you’re allowed to be different. ‘The Big Bang Theory’ shows me that nerds can win. ‘How I Met Your Mother’ teaches me how to be a friend and to believe in fate. You can say that TV shows have changed my view on life and has allowed me to be a better person and for that I am truly grateful to all the people in the entertainment business.

Well, I’m going to finish up now. I’m getting boring. I hope this was a good pilot post, if not. I’m sorry. Also before I go, please pray for Boston, Texas and just the whole of America. They truly need it after what they've been through.

Love always,